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38 items found for "beginning sewing"

  • Sewing/Stitching Homeschool Wed Feb 19

    LIMITED TO 6 STUDENTS A beginning sewing kit with thread cutter/seam ripper and needles included on first Learn beginning sewing and stitching with Miss Sarah! Geared toward students wanting to learn to sew using a machine, various hand stitches and everyone completes Class will begin by learning what should be included in everyone's sewing basket; working on the sewing their knowledge to create their very own handmade items (typically 1-2 per 5 week session) plus a hand sewn

  • Sewing/Stitching Kids Thur Feb 20

    LIMITED TO 6 STUDENTS A beginning sewing kit with thread cutter/seam ripper and needles included on first Learn beginning sewing and stitching with Miss Sarah! Geared toward students wanting to learn to sew using a machine, various hand stitches and everyone completes Class will begin by learning what should be included in everyone's sewing basket; working on the sewing their knowledge to create their very own handmade items (typically 1-2 per 5 week session) plus a hand sewn

  • Sewing/Stitching Homeschool Thurs Feb 20

    LIMITED TO 6 STUDENTS No Class during Spring Break March 20 A beginning sewing kit with thread cutter Learn beginning sewing and stitching with Miss Sarah! Geared toward students wanting to learn to sew using a machine, various hand stitches and everyone completes Class will begin by learning what should be included in everyone's sewing basket; working on the sewing their knowledge to create their very own handmade items (typically 1-2 per 5 week session) plus a hand sewn

  • Sewing/Stitch Ages 10-Adult Thur Feb 20

    A beginning sewing kit with thread cutter/seam ripper and needles included on first day. Learn beginning sewing and stitching with Miss Sarah! Geared toward students wanting to learn to sew using a machine, various hand stitches and everyone completes Class will begin by learning what should be included in everyone's sewing basket; working on the sewing their knowledge to create their very own handmade items (typically 1-2 per 5 week session) plus a hand sewn

  • Sewing with Sarah: Single 3 Hour Class

    Single Sewing Class with Sarah Hill Saturdays 2 - 5pm February 22, Appliques March 22, Visible Mending /Slow Stitching Sewing Workshop - Adults and mature teens This class is appropriate for all skill levels , even if you've never touched a sewing machine.

  • Sewing/Stitching Adults Fridays Feb 21

    Adults Sewing and Stitching Program on Fridays 6-7:30pm FRIDAYS February 21 - March 28, no class March 21 - Spring Break LIMITED TO 6 STUDENTS Learn beginning sewing and stitching with Sarah! Geared toward adult only students wanting to learn to sew using a machine, various hand stitches and Class will begin by learning what should be included in everyone's sewing basket; working on the sewing their knowledge to create their very own handmade items (typically 1-2 per 5 week session) plus a hand sewn

  • Pottery Wheel Lesson

    Single Pottery Wheel Lesson - All Ages (recommended ages 7 and up) A 2-hour beginning pottery wheel

  • Home Economics/Life Skills, 7-wks, Sarah

    In this 7-week beginners home economics class, we will be learning about the basics of cooking, sewing skills such as food safety and handling, reading recipes and preparing simple meals, hand stitching and sewing

  • Home Economics/Life Skills, 7-wks, Sarah

    In this 7-week beginners home economics class, we will be learning about the basics of cooking, sewing skills such as food safety and handling, reading recipes and preparing simple meals, hand stitching and sewing

  • Home Economics/Life Skills, 7-wks, Sarah

    In this 7-week beginners home economics class, we will be learning about the basics of cooking, sewing skills such as food safety and handling, reading recipes and preparing simple meals, hand stitching and sewing

  • Home Economics/Life Skills, 7-wks, Sarah

    In this 7-week beginners home economics class, we will be learning about the basics of cooking, sewing skills such as food safety and handling, reading recipes and preparing simple meals, hand stitching and sewing

  • ADULT Private Art Program with Emily S

    Class Begins Thursday 9:30 February 6 - May 29 this enrollment cost of $101 pays for the first class


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404 N Church St
McKinney, TX

(214) 937-9153

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